Friday, September 21, 2012

Shakyetra Ashford

Group Discussion:
- At first we picked color for our principle. Emotional color, and color symbolism for our elements.
- We then figured we couldn't do that. So we changed our principle to Emphasis and Focal Point. And put Color and Line as our elements.

Day 1: Group Disussion
Day 2: Think of what I might want to do. (Tattoo Advertisement, Logo, or a Kid Cudi Poster.)
Day 3: Eliminate it down to one.
Day 4: Decided I wanted to make a Kid Cudi Poster.
Day 5: Looked for pictures that id like to include in my poster.
Day 6: Decided I didn't want to make a Kid Cudi Poster.
Day 7: Went back to Day 2.
Day 8: Decided I was going to make a Tyler, the Creator Poster.
Day 9: Sketched out ideas.
Day 10: Worked in Photoshop before the 30 day trial ended.
Day 11: Did research about Tyler, the Creator. Put everything onto Blogger.
Day 12: Got the poster printed, and glued onto the Mat Board.

Problems I Had:
The problem I had during this project was getting it printed. The reason behind that is because my 30 day trial had ended. And every place I went to get it printed said I needed to go back into Photoshop and fix the resolution and image size, so that I wouldnt lose quality. The plan I came up with was downloading Photoshop on a different computer. I tried doing that at home, but it was taking too long. At the last minute my mom decided we should just go McDonalds and use their Wi-Fi. We left the house around 8:31 PM and didnt come back home until 12:40 AM. But hey, i got what i needed done, which is all that matters.

I Am A Designer:
Black and white to splashing bright colors. Crazy strange figures to simple shapes. White canvas and Ink that will one day change what others think. I am a designer and I will help create tomorrow's future.

Tyler, the Creator. Photoshop Illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 15September 2012.

Left Picture: "666." 666. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.
Right Picture: Tyler, the Creator. Photoshop Illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 15 September 2012.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Rhythm. Photoshop Ilustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 17 September 2012.

Visual Rhythm:
Rhythm created by repeating elements like colors and lines.
The image below shows rhythm through the color and shapes of the objects.

"Studiomaury." 1st Grade «. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.
Alternating Rhythm:
Repeating motifs, but a change in position, content, or the space in between.
"Principles of Design: Rhythm." Principles of Design & Interactive Design, Elements of Design. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.
Progressive Rhythm:
Repetition of shape that changes in a regular pattern.
The picture below shows the same exact shape being repeated, but in a variety of colors.
"IMDP- Rhythm Analysis." : Progressive Rhythm. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. <>.

Scale and Proportion

Scale and proportion. Photoshop Illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 17 September 2012.
Exaggerated Scale:
Is used to make something bigger than it already is.
Like the picture below there isn't a woman that has that big of a head in real life.
"Myspace." Myspace. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2012.

Something that seems real, but is really a fantasy.
The picture below shows a baby in a human hand, but in real life a normal sized baby wouldn't be able to fit in the palm of a hand.

"130 Maggie Fields." : Scale Confusion (35). N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.
Golden Rectangle:
One whose side lengths are in the golden ratio.
The picture below shows how the Mona Lisa is in the golden ratio.
"Cllctr - The Collection Site." Mona Lisa. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. <>.


Balance Beam. Photoshop illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 17 September 2012.
Symmetrical Balance:
Splitting an object directly in the middle, and the left and right side of that object are exactly or near being the same.
-The picture below shows a great symmetry of balance.

"Residential Interior Design." Residential Interior Design. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.

Asymmetrical Balance:
A placement of non-identical objects to either side of a balancing point in a way that both sides seem to be the same visual weight.

"130 Kirstin Woody." : Asymmetrical Balance. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.
Radial Balance:
A balance distributed around a center point.
"Art Lesson Plan: Radial Design - Mandala." Art Lesson Plan: Radial Design - Mandala. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Variaty of colors. Photoshop illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 17 September 2012.
Containing or using one color.

"Red Analogus." Red Analogus. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2012.

Cool and Warm Colors:
Cool colors would be the blues, greens, and violets. The warm colors would be reds, oranges, and yellows.
"Art for Sale | Abstract & Landscape Paintings | LaGasse Gallery." Abstract ART. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. <>.

Colors that are near eachother in the Color Wheel
In the picture below it shows 2 different analogous colors. Yellow, Yellow Orange, and Orange. Then we have Violet Blue, Blue, and Blue Green.
This is a picture of a painting using Analogous colors.
"A Graphic World II." A Graphic World II. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2012. <>.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Unity and Emphasis

Used to denote the visual relationship two or more designs.

"LostBob's Blog." : August 2007. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012.

Effective Grid:
The pattern below shows a lot of unity. Also you can see the repeating pattern clearly.

"How to Paint a Checkered Pattern." Suhow. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012.
Nearness in space, time, and relationship.
The water dropletts on the leave is showing space throughout the picture.

"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>.


Value. Photoshop illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 16 September 2012.

Value Pattern:
Makes a light and dark affect. It has different shades of grays, which is called achromatic.
The outline of the persons heads shows a light gray. Towards the neck theres more of a black, and the smoke gives you the light white color.

"InstantShift - Web Designers and Developers Daily Resource." InstantShift - Web Designers and Developers Daily Resource. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>.

An effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or in a certain direction on something.
As seen in the picture below the light gives the effect of where the hit the objects and where it didnt.
"Low Key Photography - Make A Chiaroscuro Effect." Reviews The Photography Side. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>.

Illusion of Motion

Stick figure riding skateboard. Photoshop Illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 31 August 2012.

Stillness and Arrested Action:
The process of moving or being moved.
By looking at the picture below one can tell by his hair that he is in motion.

Bass Player. Photograph by Shakyetra Ashford. 22 May 2010.

Figure Repeated:
 Is a different way to show or tell a story.
In the picture below you can basically see her whole dance routine, or part of it.

"Joe McNally: Repeating Flash Lighting Technique." Repeating Flash Lighting Technique from Nikon. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2012.

Figure Cropped:
Cutting the picture to where it look likes your walking out of the frame. Which gives you a sense of motion.
In this picture below it looks like shes riding the tricycle out of the picture.

Girl riding tricycle. Photograph by Kaleetria Ashford. 3 April 2011.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Illusion of Space

Space. Photoshop illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 30 August 2012.
Photographs, pieces of paper, and fabric arranged, and glued down on a backing.
"Inspiring Pictures." Airplane, Bike, Collage, Photography, Polaroid, Retro. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2012.
 Is used to show depth.

"Hada Contemporary Summer Show 2011." London Korean Links. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012.

When two or more forms are overlapping and can be seen clearly.
You can see clearly through the water dropletts on this leaf. You can see the oth

"Magnifying Glass – Photography Blog." Magnifying Glass – Photography Blog » Indyish. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2012. <>.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Pattern, Texture, and Shape.

Pattern, texture, and shape. Photoshop illustration by Shakyetra Ashford. 17 September 2012.

A repeated design.
As shown on the Sea Turtles back you can see the repeated design on the Turtles shell.
Sea Turtle. Watercolor Painting by Shakyetra Ashford. September 2011.

Curvilinear Shape:
A shape whose contour is dominated by curves and flowing lines.
You can see curves throughout the muffin below. The bite out of the muffin shows curvilinear shape. The top of the muffin also shows curvilinear shape.

Bitten Blueberry Muffin. Photograph by Shakyetra Ashford. 30 June 2012.

Something you can feel.
In the picture below of Kat Von D, you can see alot of texture.. You can see in her dress, chair, hair, and even the wall.

"Kat Von D Kat Von D " Adora"" Kat Von D "Adora" N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


A mark made in or on a surface.
Line drawn in Photoshop. By Shakyetra Ashford. 18 August 2012.

An edge of lines defining the shape of a design.
"Populagram - Annie Frenzel ( @anniefrenzel ) Popular Photos on Instagram." Populagram. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2012. <>.

Implied Line:
Is a type of line where you can connect the dots with your eyes to create the line. As shown in this picture below theres all kinds of dots that you can connect. The lights on the left, the windows, the cars near the sidewalk and the cars across the street.

"Exercise 20: Implied Lines « Talal Husari." Talal Husari. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2012.

Psychic Line:
Is a line that I like to call an Invisible Line. Because its a line that we don't really see only mentally. For instance when someone is pointing at an object our eye follows and creates that line.

Kid blowing out candles on his 5th birthday. Personal Photograph by Shakyetra Ashford. 9 April 2012.